Saturday, September 13, 2008

Can you say crazzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!

Combine the two!!

Ok so I know I haven't written for a while! I have been meaning to write but I get on and am distracted by other things. Such as we're trying to potty train Aliya. She is great at peeing in the potty, but she poops like a dog! Where ever she is she squats and poops. Like on pictures that had just fallen down or at the dr. office next to the bathroom or on the couch! (Yes, she is still alive! I promise! At least for right now!) I am also behind on Emma's birthday party announcments! I should do things 3 months ahead so when it comes down to it I am not freaking out! Her party is for next friday and we haven't sent out the invites yet! I have not bought anything for it! And Dan is out of town right now water rafting again! I am so fed up with him going and doing fun things! And I am left at home again with our kids! I think I need a vacation! So yes I am a little crazy!


Chastina said...

Hang in there! I'm in the beginning stages of potty training my youngest. It can be VERY frustrating. It sounds like you need to take a girls weekend (or at least evening). Hope you get one soon.