Tuesday, November 4, 2008


(Funny picture!)

Dan and I sat down after the kids were in bed last night to look over our ballots! (In washington we have mail in ballots also!) We went through each initiative, and candidate! We laughed a lot (that's just us!)! We separately made decisions for each of our ballots (ok lets be honest we did decided a LOT together!)! Then we watched Saturday Night Live! We laughed even harder!! But it felt good to know we did it! We each know how important this election is! This is one that will be in the History books! And I am saying that even before the results are known! Please go out and make a difference! You will want to know that you did it! So please vote!! Just so you know Dan dropped off our ballots this morning! It is official!! We will be up late watching the latest news about this debate! And the winner is.....................


Rachel (Victoria) Young said...

it almost looks like Obama is trying to kiss Cheney!!