I have always struggled with finding a good schedule or just putting things in the right order for my day so that things run smoothly! I feel I run out of time with getting my house clean, laundry done, kids dressed, hair done, back and forth to schools, dog walked, sleep, scripture study, FHE, calling, everyone fed, bathed, and in bed! And lets not forget time to "re-connect" or any "me" time! So I am asking for some advice! If you have a good organizing trick, a schedule that works, or just any advice on how to make things feel or seem smoother, I would appreciate hearing it! Just trying to figure it out! ( I know you would think I have it all together by now!) Thanks!!
Slowing Down
9 years ago
The best advice I can give is decide what is the most important three things to do that day. Get those done and everything else can wait until the next day. If you are able to do more great, if not no big. There are weeks I don't get everything done but I have to let some things slide. Also as often as you need to say "no," sometimes that helps a ton.
Sorry, no advice. I have problems with the same stuff. The only thing I can offer is to make a list of EVERYTHING you have to do and mark it off as you go. I even add things if I do something that's not on my list. You'll be amazed how how much you do get done and it'll make you realize how productive you are. I live by my lists.
have you every checked out flylady.com? she talks about making a morning routine, and bedtime routine. starting small with only a few things and then once they become habits adding new things.
i also feel like i am going crazy trying to get all the things needing to be done since ladybug was born. but i am trying to step back and focus baby steps and i am slowly getting back my routines. i am also trying not to be to hard on myself.
Sis...you know me, I've struggled with this for all of your life!! But I have lots of ideas. The first thing I would suggest is to sit down and write how you would like your day to go to see if there are even enough hours in the day. You know babe, in the "old days" Mom's used to have a day for laundry and a day for vacuming and a day for this and a day for that. I agree that you are probably just trying to do to much at one time. Do check out the Fly Lady sight but don't get bogged down with it, it is easy to do that. Just work on progressing one thing at a time. And don't be hard on yourself! You are a great Mom and that after all is the most important thing you do EVERYDAY! I love you! Hang in there baby!!!!
I've just recently come to the conclusion that I can only clean two rooms a day. This means that all of the rooms will never be clean at the same time unless I kick John and the kids out for a week--hmmm, now there's an idea. I've also learned that if I at least make the beds early in the morning, then I have a better day. If I don't make the beds, then it is usually a bad day for me. So instead of asking me how I'm doing, just ask if I got the beds made. John would like me to throw out the iron, but I'm obsessive compulsive about ironing and I'm in better mental health if I work with the compulsion rather than deny it. :)
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