Sunday, November 2, 2008

Super Hero's like to Party!

Dallin had his big #7 birthday! We had 4 friends over! Even though the number was small the energy level wasn't! Nathan, Logan, Asher and Ben were a Bundle of Super Hero excitment! Dallin was dressed as Batman! Dan did the Super hero "Training"! They Sprayed the "bad guy" with silly string, raced over an obstacle course, practiced super strength balloon poping and made awesome superhero masks! Dallin loved it! And loved there great ( all boy) gifts! When your the only boy in a house full of little girls it is nice to be all boy!!


Laura said...

Love the super hero pics! And you're right... when you live with a bunch of girls, super hero time is very important!

Life's Journey said...

Wow Happy Birthday to Dallin!! Loos like he had a great time!! The pictures are great.