Wednesday, April 1, 2009

being young and stupid!

So Daniel and Mandi ( my brother and sister in-law) are due to have their first baby on the 13th! It was fun talking to them and hearing them say that their excited and ready! I was thinking back to when I thought that! Do you remember? The time in your life when you thought you were "ready" to have kids and be a mom! To make dinner AND be able to eat it! Or to take a shower and not have to yell or open your door before you need to get out! To take your time getting dressed and doing your hair and makeup! To fool around whenever because no one is crying, calling you or about to walk in!
I remember doing a load of baby clothes and loving it! of course I did it 3 months in advance! I thought " this is how it will be to be a mom!"! yeah right! Add six pooped on onesies and a crying baby in the background! Don't forget none of your clothes fit and your burning dinner! that was how I felt the week after "becoming" a mom!

These pictures were of Dan and I at 6 months prego! I remember being so excited and feeling ready for birth and babies! 7 years later i realize You are never fully "ready" for motherhood! how can you really be? I mean to be a full time mom you are there for your kids 24/7 there are no breaks (mom, no I am not insinuating that you have not come and help relive me!! You have many times! As so did you Ed!!) or sick days! you are THE MOM! your children do not decided you re tired so they won't have colic or how your sick so they won't get sick! laundry does not rest when you washer goes out and kids bellies are never full ( especially little boys)! I was not ready but is the greatest thing on earth! Some of the other things you are not really ready for is how much you can love a little baby! Or how much your heart aches the first time someone hurts your child! oh how you really don't want them to ever grow up! So here is to being young and stupid! Because if we really new how much work it would be or how much your heart would ache we would never sign up to be one!


Unknown said...

LOL! you look like such a little girl! And you're prego! :o I TOTALLY agree with this post. I really thought I was ready, I mean come on, I'd waited 3 years and I WAS ready. NOT! It is never what you think it will be, but it's better than you think, too!

Laura said...

hear hear, sister! And even at six, i'm still not ready!