Saturday, September 20, 2008

Princess Party!

Emma just had her big birthday bash!!! I was crazy and we ended up ( still not getting everyone we invited!) with 12 little girls and Dallin! I was excited and nervous all at the same time! I think Emma was just excited! It turned out great!!! All the girls were wonderful to have over! The theme was a Princess Pary! We made necklaces, kissed a frog, popped a pea and every one (except Dallin) was crowned a princess!! It was great! Emma and Dallin helped with taking the presents when the girls came in, being the last (or not at all with Dallin) in games, crowns and wands, pizza, and kissing frogs, And helping out whenever needed! Dallin was the only boy around ( besides Dad) And he was very ok with that! He was quick to help and tell them how to do things! Emma was the perfect host! She was very good to say thank you with every gift and to oooh and awwwwe with each one as well! But by the end of the night she was very tired! Still no casualties! And every one went home happy! ( some probably very tired and sugared up!)
Dan and our friend Stephanie helped make everything smooth and easy! It was great to have their help and advice!!! So the big question would I do it again???? Yes! I have to! Dallin's B-day is 4 weeks away and he saw how much fun Emma had!!!!


Life's Journey said...

Emma looks like she had the time of her life. Looks like a busy,but great time you had.Those are cute pictures, and how about Dallin, How did he do that day with all those girls? He is a trooper.